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Ju no kata


Ju no Kata (“formas de la suavidad/flexibilidad”) es una kata (un conjunto de formas preestablecidas) de Judo. Está diseñada para enseñar los fundamentos de judo, especialmente el principio del “ju” (suavidad/flexibilidad). Consiste en 3 sets de técnicas y es realizado por 2 personas, una actuando como Uke y la otra como Tori. Esta kata puede realizarse sin judogi y sin dojo, ya que su realización no incluye el “kake” de las técnicas de proyección.

Historia: el Ju-no-Kata fue creado por Jigoro Kano alrededor de 1887, cuando la cantidad de personas estudiando Judo aumentó hasta el tal punto que Jigoro Kano no pudo seguir aconsejando personalmente a todas las personas durante randori (práctica libre).


Primer grupo: Tsuki-dashi (Hand Thrust)Kata-oshi (Shoulder Push)Ryo-te-dori (Two-Hand Hold)Kata-mawashi (Shoulder Turn)Ago-oshi (Jaw Push).

Segundo grupo: Kiri-oroshi (Downward Cut)Ryo-kata-oshi (Two-Shoulder Push)Naname-uchi (Slanting Stride)Kata-te-dori (One-Hand Hold)Kata-te-age (One-Hand Lift).

Tercer grupo:Obi-tori (Belt Grab)Mune-oshi (Chest Push)Tsuki-age (Uppercut)Uchi-oroshi (Downward Strike)Ryo-gan-tsuki (Strike to Both Eyes) .


Ju no kata

Ju no Kata ("softness/flexibility forms") is a kata (a set of pre-established forms) of Judo. It is designed to teach the fundamentals of judo, especially the principle of "ju" (softness/flexibility). It consists of 3 sets of techniques and is performed by 2 people, one acting as Uke and the other as Tori. This kata can be performed without judogi and without dojo, since its performance does not include the "kake" of the projection techniques.

History: Ju-no-Kata was created by Jigoro Kano around 1887, when the number of people studying Judo increased to such an extent that Jigoro Kano could not continue advising all people personally during randori (free practice).


First group: Tsuki-dashi (Hand Thrust)Kata-oshi (Shoulder Push)Ryo-te-dori (Two-Hand Hold)Kata-mawashi (Shoulder Turn)Ago-oshi (Jaw Push).

Second group: Kiri-oroshi (Downward Cut)Ryo-kata-oshi (Two-Shoulder Push)Naname-uchi (Slanting Stride)Kata-te-dori (One-Hand Hold)Kata-te-age (One-Hand Lift).

Third group:Obi-tori (Belt Grab)Mune-oshi (Chest Push)Tsuki-age (Uppercut)Uchi-oroshi (Downward Strike)Ryo-gan-tsuki (Strike to Both Eyes).

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